Ben Dutro. Designs things for money.
Ben Dutro is a Portland creative with an eye for effective design, and a zest for self-congratulatory career summations. After graduation from the esteemed California State University at Chico in 1997, Ben made his way to San Francisco where his dream of becoming a professional designer for minimal pay and a tedious commute became reality. There he thrived until the dot com bubble beckoned. Sadly, this was followed by its imminent collapse as a sudsy flood of pink slips washed over the city. A long stint at a full service agency followed. A senior role at a small studio gave him an opportunity to immerse himself into every detail of a a variety of project types, developing an effective and versatile skill set he would boast about years later. From there he helped form a successful new agency, learning along the way that running a business makes him insufferable. So he walked away to become the successful and respected independent creative renown by literally dozens.

Fascinated with the utility of the bezier curve, shit at networking, and genuinely easy to work with, Ben relies on a trusted network of legitimately impressed, truly looked-after clients to cultivate an ever evolving set of skills; from brand development to illustration to copywriting that has surely got to be better than this. He specializes in creating a universal, consumer-oriented aesthetic for brands large and small; working quickly, effectively, and without hand-holding. Also he's nice.

Tell me more. But in a PDF.
My resume

Heavens. I must contact this man.    : :    LinkedIn